In a Formula, Can I Set a Cell that Changes in Relation to Time?
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In a Formula, Can I Set a Cell that Changes in Relation to Time?

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As an Excel enthusiast, you’re probably familiar with the concept of dynamic formulas that can change based on various conditions. But, have you ever wondered if it’s possible to create a formula that changes in relation to time? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll explore the world of time-dependent formulas and show you how to set a cell that changes dynamically with the passage of time.

Understanding Time in Excel

Before we dive into the world of time-dependent formulas, let’s take a quick look at how Excel handles time. In Excel, time is stored as a decimal value, with 0 representing midnight and 1 representing one second past midnight. This decimal value can be formatted to display as a time value using the TIME function.


In the above example, A1 contains a time value in the format “HH:MM:SS”. The TIME function converts this value into a decimal equivalent, which can then be used in calculations.

Using the NOW Function

The NOW function is a built-in Excel function that returns the current date and time. This function is volatile, meaning it recalculates every time the worksheet is changed or opened. We can use the NOW function to create a time-dependent formula that changes dynamically with the passage of time.

=A1 + (NOW() - A1)

In the above example, A1 contains a starting time value. The formula adds the current time (returned by the NOW function) to the starting time, effectively creating a dynamic timestamp that changes with every passing second.

Formatting the Output

By default, the result of the above formula will be displayed as a decimal value. To format the output as a time value, we can use the TEXT function.

=TEXT(A1 + (NOW() - A1), "HH:MM:SS")

The TEXT function converts the decimal value into a formatted time string, making it easier to read and understand.

Using the TIME Function with Variables

In some cases, you may want to create a formula that changes based on a specific time interval. For example, you might want to display a message that changes every hour. To achieve this, we can use the TIME function with variables.

=IF(MOD( HOUR(NOW()), 1) = 0, "New hour!", "")

In the above example, the MOD function returns the remainder of the current hour divided by 1. If the result is 0, it means the current time is exactly on the hour, and the formula displays the message “New hour!”. Otherwise, it displays a blank string.

Creating a Dynamic Counter

We can take this concept further by creating a dynamic counter that increments every minute. To achieve this, we can use the TIME function with the MINUTE function.


In the above example, A1 contains a starting time value. The formula calculates the difference in minutes between the current time and the starting time, effectively creating a dynamic counter that increments every minute.

Using VBA Macros

In some cases, you may want to create a more complex time-dependent formula that requires VBA macros. For example, you might want to display a message that changes every day at a specific time.

Sub TimerMacro()
    If Time > TimeValue("08:00:00") And Time < TimeValue("18:00:00") Then
        Range("A1").Value = "Good morning!"
        Range("A1").Value = "Good evening!"
    End If
End Sub

The above VBA macro checks the current time and sets the value of cell A1 accordingly. You can schedule this macro to run at specific intervals using the Application.OnTime method.

Scheduling the Macro

To schedule the macro to run at specific intervals, you can use the Application.OnTime method.

Sub ScheduleMacro()
    Application.OnTime TimeValue("08:00:00"), "TimerMacro"
End Sub

The above VBA macro schedules the TimerMacro to run at 8:00 AM every day. You can adjust the time value to suit your needs.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

When working with time-dependent formulas, you may encounter some common issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you resolve them:

  • Formula not updating in real-time: Make sure that the workbook is set to automatically calculate formulas. You can do this by going to File > Options > Formulas and checking the "Automatic" option.

  • Formula returning incorrect results: Check the formatting of your time values. Make sure that the time values are in the correct format (HH:MM:SS) and that the formula is using the correct time function (TIME, HOUR, MINUTE, or SECOND).

  • Macro not running as scheduled: Check the scheduling settings and make sure that the macro is enabled. Also, ensure that the workbook is open and active when the macro is scheduled to run.


In this article, we've explored the world of time-dependent formulas in Excel. We've seen how to use the NOW function, TIME function, and VBA macros to create dynamic formulas that change in relation to time. With these techniques, you can create complex and powerful formulas that can help you manage time-sensitive data with ease. So, the next time you're asked if you can set a cell that changes in relation to time, you can confidently say "Yes, I can!"

Function Description Example
NOW Returns the current date and time =NOW()
MOD Returns the remainder of a division operation =MOD(HOUR(NOW()), 1)
TEXT Formats a value as text =TEXT(A1 + (NOW() - A1), "HH:MM:SS")

With this comprehensive guide, you're now equipped to tackle even the most complex time-dependent formulas with confidence. Happy calculating!

  1. Microsoft Support: TIME function
  2. Microsoft Support: NOW function
  3. ExcelJet: Dynamic Timestamp in Excel

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on how to make your formulas work in harmony with the clock!

Can I make a cell automatically update based on the current time?

You bet! You can use the `TODAY()` or `NOW()` functions to make a cell update dynamically based on the current date and time. For example, if you want a cell to display the current date, you can simply enter `=TODAY()` in that cell. Easy peasy!

How do I make a cell update at a specific time of day?

You can use the `IF` function in combination with the `NOW()` function to make a cell update at a specific time of day. For example, if you want a cell to update at 8am every day, you can use the formula `=IF(NOW()>=TIME(8,0,0),"It's 8am!","Not yet!")`. This formula checks if the current time is 8am or later, and updates the cell accordingly.

Can I make a cell update based on a specific date?

You can use the `TODAY()` function to make a cell update based on a specific date. For example, if you want a cell to display a specific message on a particular holiday, you can use the formula `=IF(TODAY()=DATE(2023,12,25),"Merry Christmas!","Not a holiday")`. This formula checks if the current date is December 25, 2023, and updates the cell accordingly.

How do I make a cell update at regular intervals, like every hour?

You can use the `NOW()` function in combination with the `TIME` function to make a cell update at regular intervals. For example, if you want a cell to update every hour, you can use the formula `=IF(MINUTE(NOW())=0,"New hour!","Not yet!")`. This formula checks if the current minute is 0, and updates the cell accordingly.

Can I use these time-based formulas in combination with other formulas?

Absolutely! You can use time-based formulas in combination with other formulas to create complex and dynamic calculations. For example, you can use the `TODAY()` function to update a cell based on the current date, and then use an `IF` statement to perform a different calculation based on that date. The possibilities are endless!