Solving the Mysterious Case of “NPM Run Build from shell_exec not working giving sh: vite: command not found”
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Solving the Mysterious Case of “NPM Run Build from shell_exec not working giving sh: vite: command not found”

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Are you tired of pulling your hair out trying to figure out why your NPM run build command isn’t working from shell_exec, only to be met with the frustrating error message “sh: vite: command not found”? Well, fear not, dear developer, for today we’re going to dive deep into the world of Node.js, shell_exec, and Vite to solve this pesky problem once and for all!

What’s the Problem, Anyway?

Before we get started, let’s take a step back and understand what’s happening here. When you run `npm run build` from your terminal, everything works as expected. But as soon as you try to execute the same command using PHP’s `shell_exec()` function, you’re met with an error message that suggests Vite can’t be found. But why is that?

It’s All About the Environment, Baby!

The root of the problem lies in the difference between the environment in which your terminal runs and the environment in which `shell_exec()` runs. When you run `npm run build` from your terminal, you’re running it in your user environment, where all the necessary paths and variables are set up correctly. However, when you use `shell_exec()`, it runs in a separate shell instance, which doesn’t have access to your user environment variables.

This means that when `shell_exec()` runs `npm run build`, it doesn’t have the correct path to Vite, resulting in the “command not found” error. But fear not, we can fix this!

Solution 1: Use the Full Path to Vite

One way to solve this problem is to specify the full path to Vite in your `npm run build` command. This tells the shell exactly where to find Vite, even when running from `shell_exec()`.

// Instead of this:
$output = shell_exec('npm run build');

// Use this:
$output = shell_exec('/usr/local/bin/vite build');

By specifying the full path to Vite, we ensure that the shell can find it, even when running from `shell_exec()`. However, this solution has a few drawbacks.

  • It’s not very flexible, as you need to hardcode the path to Vite.
  • It may not work if Vite is installed globally, but not in the system’s PATH.

Solution 2: Set the PATH Environment Variable

A better solution is to set the PATH environment variable before running `npm run build` from `shell_exec()`. This tells the shell to look for Vite in the correct locations.

// Set the PATH environment variable
putenv('PATH=' . getenv('PATH') . ':/usr/local/bin');

// Run npm run build
$output = shell_exec('npm run build');

By setting the PATH environment variable, we’re telling the shell to include the directory where Vite is installed in its search path. This way, when we run `npm run build`, the shell can find Vite correctly.

Solution 3: Use a Node.js Script Instead

If you’re using PHP to execute Node.js scripts, why not take it a step further and use a Node.js script to execute your build command? This way, you can avoid the environment variable issues altogether!

// Create a new Node.js script (e.g., build.js)
const { exec } = require('child_process');

exec('npm run build', (error, stdout, stderr) => {
  if (error) {
    console.error(`exec error: ${error}`);
  console.log(`stdout: ${stdout}`);
  console.log(`stderr: ${stderr}`);

Then, in your PHP script, you can execute this Node.js script using `shell_exec()`:

$output = shell_exec('node build.js');

This solution is more flexible and scalable, as you can use Node.js to execute any command or script you need.


Solving the “NPM Run Build from shell_exec not working giving sh: vite: command not found” error is all about understanding the environment differences between your terminal and `shell_exec()`. By using one of the solutions outlined above, you can ensure that your build command runs correctly from PHP.

Remember, the key to success lies in understanding the environment and adapting your approach to fit your needs. Whether you choose to specify the full path to Vite, set the PATH environment variable, or use a Node.js script, the most important thing is to find a solution that works for you and your project.

Solution Pros Cons
Use the Full Path to Vite Easy to implement Inflexible, may not work with global Vite installations
Set the PATH Environment Variable Flexible, works with global Vite installations May require additional configuration
Use a Node.js Script Flexible, scalable, and easy to maintain Requires additional Node.js script

So, which solution will you choose? Whatever you decide, remember that with a little creativity and perseverance, you can overcome even the most frustrating errors and get back to building amazing things!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with the “NPM Run Build from shell_exec not working giving sh: vite: command not found” error? Worry not, friend! We’ve got the answers to get you back on track!

Why does shell_exec return “sh: vite: command not found” when running npm run build?

This error usually occurs when the shell_exec command can’t find the vite executable in the system’s PATH. Make sure vite is installed globally by running `npm install -g vite` or locally by adding a script to your `package.json` file. Then, try running the command again.

Is there a way to specify the path to the vite executable in shell_exec?

Yes, you can specify the path to the vite executable by using the absolute path or relative path to the vite executable in your shell_exec command. For example, `shell_exec(‘/path/to/node_modules/.bin/vite build’)` or `shell_exec(‘./node_modules/.bin/vite build’)`. This tells the shell exactly where to find the vite executable.

Why does npm run build work in the terminal but not with shell_exec?

The main difference is that when you run `npm run build` in the terminal, it uses the environment and PATH from the terminal. However, when you use shell_exec, it runs the command in a new shell process without the same environment and PATH. To fix this, you can try setting the PATH environment variable in your PHP script before running shell_exec.

Can I use shell_exec with Vite 3.x or higher?

Vite 3.x and higher no longer include a global binary. Instead, you’ll need to use `npx vite` or add a script to your `package.json` file. To use shell_exec, you’ll need to adjust your command accordingly, such as `shell_exec(‘npx vite build’)`.

How can I debug shell_exec when it returns an error?

To debug shell_exec, you can use the `2>&1` flag to redirect the error output to the standard output, like this: `shell_exec(‘npm run build 2>&1’)`. This will allow you to see the error messages returned by the shell_exec command. You can also try using `shell_exec` with `escapeshellcmd` and `escapeshellarg` to ensure the command is properly escaped and quoted.

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